+49 (0881) 93 83 0

Bauliche Veränderungen

Fair und gut wohnen

request to make structural changes

We want you to feel at home in your property. This also includes structural changes (such as adding an awning or insect protection screen etc.) Briefly let us know the nature of your request. After reviewing your request, we will get back to you with a response.

    Nature of the structural change

    Reason for the request

    Surname, first name

    Street, building number, post code, town

    Email address


    I/we hereby request to undertake the above-mentioned structural change in our property.

    You can of course also contact us by post, fax or email:

    Wohnbau GmbH Weilheim i.OB
    Weinhartstraße 15
    82362 Weilheim, Germany


    by email:

    by fax:


    +49 (0) 881/ 9383-50